AmwayNATION Is The Amway Business Owner Strategy & Resource For Google Search Results, Website, Online, Internet Marketing Advantage


Amway business owners have begun to ask themselves a question.

Why do I settle for a website that does not get exposure on the most powerful advertisement platform in the world?

This image presents AmwayNATION's representing the nationwide Amway business owners' network and coalition movement teams of downline and upline pooling resources for market advantage.

AmwayNATION, the business owner website resource, empowering the Amway business network for online success.

Strengthening North American Amway business owners with knowledge and resources to strategically flex their networking muscle with steeled resolution. Solutions springing to life through motivated teamwork. Driving toward the business owners’ creation of powerful and meaningful results in Google search results.

Some may think, because Google is so big, that it is not possible to do anything to get their website included in the most prominent search engine on the planet.

This simply is not true.

We want you to know before you read the eye opening information that begins just below our pricing info, that AmwayNATION is a membership based approach that offers the bona fide solution for the real problem you have right now; your Amway business website is not included in Google’s search results.

Movers | $285 / Year | Move The Market In Google Search Results

Shakers | $250 / Year | Shake The Market In Google Search Results

Shifters | $180 / Year | Shift The Market In Google Search Results

To contact us for details, write a letter to the Amway corporate office, or call the White House.

This image represents AmwayNATION's strengthening of business owners online website hosting strategy for more website sales with buying customers.

It is 2020 and with the continual expansion and popularity of online shopping, the budding 30 years of ecommerce has seen a fundamental change in the concept of the retail storefront. When visiting an online store shoppers typically browse many pages and each pageview can present multiple brand impressions upon the mind of the shopper while a visit to the brick and mortar presents but a few. As a result, some shoppers today can tend to associate a businesses’ online store with its brand more so than they associate the businesses’ brick and mortar with the brand.

In step with this transformation in the marketplace, through the years Amway has steadily and wisely invested big dollars into an online infrastructure which keeps it in pace with the latest trends of online shopping. Amway has developed its internet branding and marketing assets in a vast display of web pages across a large offering of corporate owned websites. Amway has built an incredible marketing machine that thrives in today’s digital marketplace, such an incredible machine that it is easy to find them in Google’s search results.

Amway’s independent business owners make up the host of direct marketing entrepreneurs who have traditionally been the backbone of Amway’s sales force. They have their own, personal business websites too, but their websites can be very difficult to find in search engines. The large number of Amway corporate websites and their massive numbers of web pages lends itself to Amway’s corporate websites dominating in Google’s search results; a domination that diminishes the presence of the websites of these independent business owners in Google search results to the point they have been dubbed the direct marketing phantoms of the internet. A search for amway related subjects in Google would leave you believing only a few of them exist.

In the past year Amway has given a face lift to the storefront within their corporate website, and with that remodel came an online interface whereby each independent owner is now given the option of having their own Amway storefront. However, among the conglomerate of possibly tens to hundreds of thousands of these “storefronts”, there is nothing that sets them apart. There is no mechanism in these “websites” by which owners can adjust any kind of settings to optimize their own Amway storefront to compete for the potential to be found in the free market of Google’s search engine results.

Without any possibility that these business-owner/Amway-corporate-housed websites will ever be found on Google, you might be thinking corporate Amway was kind enough to have provided their own website search engine whereby independent owner storefronts can be found by someone who would like to purchase product through a distributor near their home. The Amway corporate storefront does provide its own website search engine; however, it does not, will not and cannot find for you any independent business owner even if you search with the phrase of something similar to, “business owner in my area of columbus ohio”. Instead, it presents you with a list of 532 products for your shopping convenience, anyone of which you can conveniently add to the shopping cart, checkout as a guest and pay for without ever having come across an independent owner or without having been required to purchase through an independent owner.

So, which IBO or ABO earns the retail margin on that sale? Who knows? In talking to business owners, when asked this question, they are bewildered. No one knows. They have no idea where that retail margin goes.

Amway’s strong online storefront presence is good for the searching customer, but it doesn’t play out so well for the Amway business owners who would like to get in front of those shoppers. Customers visiting the corporate Amway storefront can purchase products while the retail margin goes, ummm, uhhhh, who knows where. In the free market of search engines, who dominates Google’s search results when the term “amway” is part of the search phrase? By a landslide it’s Amway’s corporate websites!

The number of Amway independent business owners is of tremendous size and many work hard at their business. Shouldn’t they get a fair shake at competing in the free market? Every business in the United States that chooses to do so has the ability to compete in the free market of Google’s search engine and yet Amway’s own independent owners’ websites are excluded from Google’s top search results. Many times there is no representation of them at all. How can this be?

The answer to that question is found in two simple and powerful business essentials, knowledge and resources. When it came to internet presence, Amway corporate had the knowledge and they had the resources. Fitted with those two business essentials, Amway corporate properly executed a competent online strategy and after getting set at the starting line, they were off to the races, running away from the competition on the Google front.

Image of AmwayNATION american map presents AmwayNATION who provides Amway business owners with a proven strategy and many resources for getting websites placed in Google search engine results to boost their online, internet marketing advantage.

Competing For Google Space

Who is competing with Amway corporate in the fight for Google space? By now you’ve probably figured this out and unfortunately, you are right; Amway’s own independent business owners are scrapping with Amway corporate for the same Google real estate.

Any Amway business owner who desires to have online success must somehow forge their way into Google territory and arrest Amway corporate’s stranglehold on Google’s first page; that first page which is the digital gateway to success for any business muscling for space in today’s online business environment.

While operating under an Amway corporate imposed internet use policy that keeps their online marketing efforts in a straight jacket Amway business owners do the best they can with the resources they’re allowed, but the tough uphill grind can pose gravity’s effects upon them and keep them from getting over the top. The Amway corporate online dominance is a snapshot of what this landscape has looked like for the past two decades and, unless independent business owners do something different, it is a clear proxy of the road map ahead.

UntilNOW… AmwayNATION.

This is where you come in.

This is where you make a change.

This is where you break out, leaving the status quo behind and forging ahead to better things.

AmwayNATION is a band of businesses working together.

Image of AmwayNATION american map presents AmwayNATION who provides Amway business owners with a proven strategy and many resources for getting websites placed in Google search engine results to boost their online, internet marketing advantage.

For Amway business owners the solution to finding a way to compete for and win that Google space is the same solution Amway corporate has already leveraged; knowledge and resources. Those two simple, powerful and yet still-a-little-out-of-reach business essentials mark the direction toward success.

Business owners need to acquire the knowledge and resources which, to this point in time, have eluded them.

AmwayNATION is here to give you the knowledge and resources you need with the insights that, coupled together, are vital to the winning strategy of the band of businesses working together to take the Google front.

If you have interest in modifying your current Amway business strategy to better compete for Google space please review, below, AmwayNATION’s purpose and goals to discover how joining this movement can equip you to reshape the future of your business.

Image of AmwayNATION american map presents AmwayNATION who provides Amway business owners with a proven strategy and many resources for getting websites placed in Google search engine results to boost their online, internet marketing advantage.


Purpose: Provide to Amway independent business owners in North America the AmwayNATION website as “their” central-hub website that lands their coalition on Google’s first page of search results for anything and everything “amway”. The business websites of the independent owners who join AmwayNATION benefit from promotional pages on AmwayNATION promoting their business with links leading AmwayNATION’s visitors to their own websites.

Image represents AmwayNATION which is a service for the Amway business owner's strategy to increase website in Google search engine results with optimization resource tools.
AmwayNATION’s desire is that Amway business owner websites be included in the Google treasure chest.

Goal #1: Strengthen the performance of the websites of Amway independent business owners in Google search engine results by incorporating search engine honored backlink networking between legitimate upline and downline networks.

Goal #2: Equip and empower Amway independent business owners to create and edit their business websites using search engine optimization best practices to compete for a powerful presence in the Google search engine results with honest methods aimed at abiding by Amway’s Social Media Guidelines, its Guiding Principles & Rules of Conduct.

Goal #3: Lobby together within the upline and downline networking structure, as a band of Amway Independent Business Owners, while working in a coordinated effort to restructure their personal Amway business owner websites to optimally use the digital, online resources that are universally available to all North American businesses.

An Open Market Perspective: The feet of the nationwide sales force that beat the ground should have an equal footing in internet resources.

Image of AmwayNATION american map presents AmwayNATION who provides Amway business owners with a proven strategy and many resources for getting websites placed in Google search engine results to boost their online, internet marketing advantage.

Food For Thought

In 2019 the average individual U.S. income was $58,379.45.1

Couple that with the fact Amway announced a total in sales of $8.4 billion USD for the year ending Dec. 31, 2019 and it had approximately 15,000 employees, worldwide.

Let’s do the math. 15,000 employees multiplied by $58,379.45 comes to a total of $875,691,750. Now, we don’t know if this is how much Amway paid out to it’s “hired” workforce because we do not know if its employees collectively made the average income, but statistically speaking that is a lot of estimated dough; roughly 10% of Amway’s 2019 total in sales.

It appears Amway had plenty of money to pay toward its independent business owners as the 10% estimate it may have paid toward hired employees is well below the figure Second Winds Consultants suggests is ideal for a manufacturing business to shoot for in a salary expense level that is at or below 30 percent of gross revenues.

Take This Into Consideration

Amway’s corporate website provides a page titled, “Common Questions & Amway Answers“, where they answer the question, “Where Is Amway Globally?” Part of their answer to that question is, “Amway is a global company with more than 1 million Independent Business Owners“.

We can calculate and figure out that 30% of Amway’s $8.4 billion in total global sales in 2019 was $2,520,000,000 (2.5+ billion USD). If we subtract the estimated total they may have paid their hired employees, we are left with an estimated $1,644,308,250 (1.6+ billion USD) with which to pay an independent business owner force of 1 million people.

I think we’d all agree, $1.6 billion is a whole “lotta” money, but if you divide it evenly between 1 million business owners, each business owner will be taking $1,644.30 home to support their families.

But That’s Not The End Of The Calculation

To complete this calculation we need to take the obvious into account; many independent business owners make far more than $1,644.30 per year. Some earn millions! If that is the case, there is another obvious we can’t miss and it is this. Many, if not most, independent business owners are making less than $1,644.30 per year. In a past edition of Amway’s Success Magazine a reader disclosed that after each “success story” there is a disclaimer saying the Average Monthly Gross Income for “Active” IBOs is $115. At that rate of monthly earnings, the average IBO would have earned $1,380 annually. With a straight face we can say, “That is a little bit of dough.”

What Do We See?

We see a legitimate business with an inspirational business model and earnings scale where the average business owner makes very little money. We also see a legitimate business with a regulatory set of rules governing the participating business owners’ use of the internet in a manner that is stifling. It is like saying to a swimmer, “When you run out of breath, don’t come up for air.” Swimmers don’t make it far in those conditions. How far do they make it? Only as far as their last breath takes them.

What Is Your Story?

As an Amway independent business owner, what was your annual income last year? Are you satisfied with your earnings? Are you considering giving up on your dream and goals of creating a thriving, household supporting business? If you still have one breath left before your last gasp, consider the potential in joining a coalition with other Amway independent business owners who see the value in the solid business principle of creating a digital presence that gets noticed on Google.

AmwayNATION, a band of businesses working together.

We will change our NATION.


1. The 2019 U.S. individual median income statistic is sourced by PK, at DQYDJ, from data gathered from the United States Census Bureau’s Annual ASEC survey, released in September 2019 and harmonized from the University of Minnesota’s Minnesota Population Center in R.

Image of AmwayNATION american map presents AmwayNATION who provides Amway business owners with a proven strategy and many resources for getting websites placed in Google search engine results to boost their online, internet marketing advantage.

FAQ | Answers To Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Get My Amway Business Website Into Google Search Results?

How To Make Your Amway Website Seriously Fast And Improve Google Search Results With HYPER IGNYTE FE?

What Are The Benefits Of An AmwayNATION Membership Subscription?

Why Should I Use WordPress For My Amway Business Website?

Where Should I Look For Fast, Reliable, Reasonably Priced Website Hosting?

Who Can I Trust For Quality Search Engine Optimization (SEO) For My Amway Business Website?

Image represents the service with AmwayNATION's website platform that can allow you to get more Google search results to earn more money for more time to do what you enjoy most.